It is so easy to become complacent in life. We have an income, a place to stay, basic securities (Maslow’s {basic} needs theory) checked so all is just fine and dandy. Yes I agree that these things are our basic and most essential needs, but it should not be our licence to die a boring and uneventful life. As human beings we are such divine beings that can do great and wonderful things if we just would challenge ourselves a little more.

Discipline will challenge complacency which will result in us not just accepting mediocrity. Even as a child; I loathed mediocrity. However, here I am infected by the pandemic of absolute laziness. Lord; help me – laziness makes my skin crawl. It is unacceptable on all levels.
Hard work on the other hand is a nasty swear word. After all, slavery was abolished ages ago. Human rights is the new vogue. It is my human right to have a job, a house, a car, to protest, to say no, to make others suffer – yes I said it! Your and my laziness makes others suffer.
In South Africa we have successfully cultivated a custom of maximum expectation with the least possible commitment. We are an ill society of lazy bums that will be the cause of our own demise if we don’t wake up from this everlasting slumber.
Now; I find this sort of moaning rather repugnant and somewhat negative, so let me try and swing this blog to a more positive angle.

As adults we know that there is a right way of doing things and a wrong way of doing things. Why do we continue or insist on doing onto others what we would not like to be done onto us? Let’s wake up and make a positive difference in our own lives so it would in a similar way affect the lives of others.
Fundamentally; we must first and most importantly realise and accept we are totally responsible for our life. Second to that we must realise that our life has an effect (directly and indirectly) on others around us. So the foundation principle here is to realise we must respect ourselves and other sufficiently. This way we will be motivated to work hard, commit to a mechanism of team work and commit to establishing realistic and realisable goals. This would give life more meaning and greater purpose.

When we take responsibility for our lives, we will live more happily and more pleasing lives. If we apply the needed discipline, take the incumbent responsibility for our lives and choices we can be sure we will benefit great joy in our lives. We might even be able to have greater control over our situations.
It is extremely important for us to understand that we are responsible in every way for our own lives. We are answerable for our own actions in a court of law – so too in the law of life.
Stop blaming the past! Stop making excuses for why you did or did not do something! Eliminate negative thinking. Eliminate negative influences/people in your life’s space.
Become aware of your weaknesses and work with them so they don’t cripple you. Become aware of your thoughts, and eliminate destructive thoughts. Speak good fortune over your own life and that of others. This all holds immense power.
Most importantly – wake up each day with a new hope, a new meaning, and a new song in your heart. Have the attitude of positivity. Be joy, be happy, be laughter, be kindness, be motivated, be disciplined, be responsible.
Be the change you want to see in the world – Mahatma Ghandi
Peace x o x o x o