Like the late struggle icon – Rev. Martin Luther King Jnr. – said; “Judge a man by the content of his character and not the colour of his skin”. This was a man with a mighty voice and spirit and would not give up his fight and believe in justice for all. In his famous – I had a dream – speech he said; “But we refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt. We refuse to believe that there are insufficient funds in the great vaults of opportunity of this nation. And so, we've come to cash this check, a check that will give us upon demand the riches of freedom and the security of justice”. He believed that one day equality shall reign and all will have the same grounds in their pursuit to happiness. Barack Obama cashed his check and today will reap the reward that is rightfully his through what he had sown. Barack Obama’s victory is a milestone for all of us of colour and indeed a stepping stone to eradicate the racial divide for all of colour and all who is white. I love the fact that President Obama knows and says it out loud, he cannot walk alone and therefore called on all Americans – in the same breath all should realise they cannot turn back. Thank you Martin Luther King for providing sustenance for all African American to believe in and for sacrificing your life in doing what we all believe is right. One more quote from Rev. King Jnr.

“I have a dream today!
I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, and every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight; "and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed and all flesh shall see it together."
That day has come and it is today where the world of politics will never be the same since the release of our very own Nelson Mandela from his unfair imprisonment. Today the Americans too will experience true freedom.
Today the world will take a page from the book of the USA and we will learn how it is done by the leading nation of the world. Maybe now I too will learn to love America. Maybe my mindset about American mentality will change too. President Obama your plate is full, yet I believe your cup runneth over.
God Bless the Obama’s. God Bless this world we live in. God Bless Africa, America, Asia and all the other continents this day. May peace reign!
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