The writing is BOLDLY on the wall. We’re experiencing a global economic melt-down. Yes we heading towards economic depression Mr. Governor of the Reserve Bank and you better face it too my brother and sister in the street. The USA faced economic depression in the early 1930’s which lasted about 10 years. The depression was aggravated by poor monitory policy and the ignorance of consumers perpetuated the crunch.
Yes it was the festivities, known as a time for giving blah blah blah yada yada fish paste. In December one could wonder around and still be surprised to see the Khumalo’s and the Jones’ neighbours still competing in buying expensive disposable toys and gadgets on credit. All the stores around are allowing people new credit and people are opening up new accounts and exhausting the very credit they too 12 months to square up. Banks are advertising available loans to pay off all debts, so you will eventually be paying only one debtor – them. Business’ is closing their doors for much longer than the holiday season and our friends and family member are facing retrenchment. Interest rates are fluctuation and the Governor is stocking up on Rennies and Eno’s. Road rage is on the rise and so is domestic violence. Tourists are not arriving in the masses they used to, with the result Guest Houses and Hotels are reportedly not occupied the way they need to be. This is the start of what will become an international emergency if action is not taken by the powers that be. We need constructive international dialogue with goal oriented strategies that will deliver measurable results ASAP!
In the mean time we’ve spend our money on disposable gifts to impress the woman and men in our lives. What did I experience going to the Waterfront? - Gucci, Jimmy Choo’s, Louis Vuitton etc, all dead inside. How long will they last in the Mother City? Not a tourist in sight and the locals are obviously on the other side where the prices are slightly lower-case. Now is the time for the crunch, tightening of the belt and the inevitable yet almost compulsory diet. The superficial excuse: “I must lose weight” – the real reason – “I’m broke as a jail house dog”. When will we learn to save our money for the “winter months” just like those beasts that go into hibernation? My wish for all I know and love and all they know and love and their worlds beyond is fiscal discipline and more fiscal discipline. We have to leave our children some sort of legacy if not money.
Let’s be honest, we cannot live without the dreaded “M” word. Money is not the root to all evil people is. In moments like these the green eyed monster will make its appearance and that will be followed by greed, deceit, destruction and all things negative. And money will be given the blame, when clearly it is the ill behaviour of people instigated by their own ignorance and negligent management of income!
Let me sign out before I’m overcome with passion.
Peace, Love and Prosperity is yours to gain!
Cassper Nyovest's High End Slyza Tsotsi Moves
10 years ago
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